Welcome to Kloster.Land — an inclusive, accessible, friendly platform for all lovers of monastic culture
and lifestyle.
Wir bleiben dem Grundgedanken treu: Klöster waren früher Zentren des gemeinschaftlichen Lebens. Nicht nur kulturell, sondern auch sozial und zu einem sehr großen Teil wirtschaftlich. Unsere Aufgabe ist es, ihnen zu helfen, in dem heute sehr schwierigen Umfeld eine aktive Rolle zu spielen.

Kleine und auch mittlere Unternehmen, die von der Corona-Pandemie sehr hart getroffen wurden, brauchen jede Hilfe und Förderung, die sie bekommen können. Nicht nur finanziell - das ist natürlich sehr wichtig - sondern auch moralisch, indem sie als wertvolle Mitglieder der Gemeinschaft anerkannt werden, alte Traditionen weiterentwickeln, alte Bräuche bewahren und Elemente des sozialen Erbes pflegen.

We stay true to the basic idea: Monasteries used to be centres of communal life. Not only culturally, but also socially and to a very large extent economically. Our task is to help them play an active role in today's very difficult environment.

Small and even medium-sized enterprises, which have been hit very hard by the Corona pandemic, need all the help and encouragement they can get. Not only financially - that is of course very important - but also moral, by being recognised as valuable members of the community, developing old traditions, preserving old customs and maintaining elements of social heritage.
The mission of Koster.Land is to help, encourage and inspire. It is also about supporting and promoting those who give the name 'regional' its true meaning by creating local jobs, using local ingredients, and following local traditions and recipes. In addition, the platform will also be different from all known commercial platforms, as it will act as a communication hub connecting local producers with the Klosterland.de community. We hope to create, maintain and develop a broad network of public support around products, brands, companies, stories but above all around monasteries - members of the Klosterland family. In the world of profit margins and investment returns the word Loyalty should not be forgotten!
Please help us to develop the project by asking questions, making comments and suggestions, and voicing your concerns. In the meantime, we will be audibly working to improve the pilot version of the project by adding new pages and products.

Wish us luck!